WP1 – Preparation (January 2021 – June 2021)
1.1 Development of the competence list and curricula.
1.2 New courses and training materials: 32 teachers from Russian Federation, Armenia and Iran will have intensive training in EU with aim to study new methods of practice-oriented training, QAS and methods of organization of team work on student projects; methods of interaction with enterprises will also be carried out.
WP2 – Development (June 2021 – December 2023)
2.1 Creation of the Network of Multidisciplinary Centres (NSAH). Practical implementation of the developed curriculum is planned to create a special network infrastructure - Network of Multidisciplinary centres "Sustainability for Architectural Heritage" (NSAH) and equip it with multipoint video conferencing. 16 NSAH staff (2 in each partner university) will be carefully selected and trained in the EU universities.
2.2 For testing of the developed curricula and courses in the final year of the project, 100 students of advanced courses will be trained in Russian Federation, Armenia and Iranian universities.
2.3 At a special seminar a panel of experts will select three project tasks for diploma projects and form international student teams to implement these projects.
WP3 – Quality plan (April 2021 – December 2023)
3.1 For quality control and monitoring of project activities, two teams will be created: The Internal Monitoring and Quality Control Team (IMQCT) and the External Quality Control Team (EQCT).
3.2 Two seminars to consider 'quality' will be arranged for the second and third years of the project.
WP4 – Dissemination and exploitation of results (April 2021 – December 2023)
Mechanism for dissemination of the project results is one of the tools for ensuring its sustainability. Project interaction of universities, industrial enterprises and architectural education associations will enable the establishment of interactive channels for knowledge transfer between enterprises and universities. Final international conference will be held.
WP5 – Management (January 2021 – December 2023)
The project provides an effective 2-tier structure of management: the overall management and management at the country level. Overall project management will be performed by the Project Board (PB), which will include representatives of all the partners. PB will be in charge of the overall planning of the project implementation, monitoring of the activities and organization of effective interaction between all members. PB will prepare reports on the activities and financies twice a year, which will be discussed at seminars and by videoconferencing.