

1. Restoration of Art Objects in Architectural Heritage

Updated course

Level of qualification: Bachelor, Master

ECTS credits: 4

Responsible partners: 
Tabriz Islamic Art University (TIAU), Iran
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Armenia

Course overview / general description: Preservation and restoration of ceramic decor and decoration made of precious stone and wood, art metal, monumental paintings in the interior and exterior of historical buildings: methodology, technology, work stages. Features of conservation of monumental paintings and arts and crafts in different climatic conditions; main factors -affecting preservation. Fight (counteraction) against destruction under the influence of anthropogenic and technogenic pollution, and environment and climate change. The use of innovative technologies for the conservation of art objects in Architectural Heritage (laser cleaning and strengthening, vacuum installations, drainage and desalination in the field of direct electric current, etc.). 


2. Preservation of Historical Structures

Updated course

Level of qualification: Bachelor, Master

ECTS credits: 4

Responsible partner: 
Tabriz Islamic Art University (TIAU), Iran

Course overview / general description: Diagnosis and determination of the causes of deformation and structural destruction as a basis for appropriate actions. Traditional and modern technologies of conservation and increase of structural stability. Structural analysis methods: Aims, tasks and difficulties in modelling and analysis of historical structures. Building technologies and structural elements: foundations and walls, roofing, wood and mixed systems, The use of metals in historical construction. Concrete structures. General structural arrangements in history. Ancient rules and classic approaches. Destruction mechanisms of historical structures: construction defects, environmental and human impacts. 


3. Open Public Space Architecture in Urban and Natural Landscape

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits: 2

Responsible partners: 
University of Tehran (UT), Iran

National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Armenia
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece

Course overview / general description: Approaches, research methodologies of assessing and planning open public space about the wider urban environment. Identify the emotional, cultural, environmental, economic and use significance of the Historic Urban Landscape. The historical, cultural, economic and political importance of the Urban Landscape and its design. Introduction to Landscape Architecture. Open Space and Landscape design, urban or natural, as a result of artificial and natural processing elements, dealt with by similar terms of 'structural' organization. Landscape design principles and methods that take into account the need for protection and preservation of the heritage value of a particular landscape, especially for those areas most radically affected by the change, such as peri-urban, industrial and coastal areas. 


4. Perspective Energy Resources for Thermal and Electrical Supply of Buildings

Updated course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits: 5

Responsible partner: 
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU), Russia

Course overview / general description: 

The technical approach of renovation of electrical and thermal supply systems in architectural cultural heritage sites:

- Solar PV and collectors: Usage of PV elements for the local production of electrical energy;
- Solar collectors for the hot water supply and heating of buildings. 

Wind energy:

- Small scale wind generators for the electrical energy supply of cultural heritage sites;

- Ecological impacts of small scale wind generators for the cultural heritage sites.

Geothermal energy: new approaches on heat supply of individual buildings of different capacities. 
Biomass energy: combined systems of biomass and solar insulation based on the thermal energy supply of buildings. 

Energy and resource-saving:

- New energy-efficient technical solutions of power supply of cultural heritage sites; 

- Energy-efficient boiler points for heat supply of buildings; 
- The energy-efficient lighting system of buildings; 

- Different technical solutions for the efficiency increase in the thermal supply of cultural heritage sites; 

- Different technical solutions for the efficiency increase in the electrical supply of cultural heritage sites. 


5. Theory and Methodology of Preservation of Architectural Heritage

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits: 2

Responsible partner: 
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Armenia

Course overview / general description: The history of conservation, the development of theoretical concepts, modern theories of conservation and restoration. The Athens Charter and the Venice Charter. The Nara document of authenticity. The general framework for the concept of authenticity. Convention for the Protection of the Architectural Heritage of Europe. Valletta Principles. European Landscape Convention. Approaches to urban preservation and conservation of urban landscapes. Charter for Cultural Tourism. The modern practice of preservation and restoration in European and Asian countries, implementation of international standards.


6. Historical Materials and Technologies for their Conservation

Updated course

Level of qualification: Bachelor, Master

ECTS credits: 4

Responsible partners: 
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU), Russia
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU), Russia

Course overview / general description: Introduction to the conservation and restoration of materials. The principle of reversibility. Reasonable limits for the use of modern materials for the conservation of architectural heritage. Material compatibility. Historical materials: identification, types and classification. Preservation of stone, brick. Binders and solutions. Degradation of historical materials: physical, chemical and biological effects. Degradation of historical materials: natural disasters and man-made impacts. Salts in stone and masonry. Facade cleaning. Hydrophobization. Repair materials and equipment. Consolidation of degraded mortar and plaster and interaction with a fixed artistic heritage. Restoration and conservation of wood. Conservation and restoration of metals. Preservation of concrete and modern materials of the 20th-century heritage. Laboratory work and on-site survey. 


7. Cultural Significance of Heritage

Updated course

Level of qualification: Bachelor

ECTS credits: 2

Responsible partners: 
Goris State University (GSU), Armenia
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Armenia

Course overview / general description: Understanding of current conservation philosophy and ethics. Traditional skills vs new technology. Aesthetic qualities and values of Heritage Buildings Contextualising the wider visual conservation issues of place and performance in use within a philosophical understanding. History of architecture, multicultural & religious contents.


8. Climate Change and Environmental Impact on Heritage

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits: 4

Responsible partners: 
Moscow State University of Civil Engineering (National Research University) (MGSU), Russia
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU), Russia

Course overview / general description: Cultural Heritage and the global environmental crisis. Environmental control and monitoring. Developing adaption measures and increase of resilience to climate change risks. Heritage protection in seismic areas. Earthquake-resistant construction of buildings. Elements of soil dynamics. Damage and destruction mechanisms in existing (especially historic) structures. Introduction to innovative earthquake-resistant systems. Forecasting, measuring and counteracting the effects of climate change. Overcoming the risks of heritage vulnerability in the face of rising temperatures, melting glaciers, rising sea levels, increased and more frequent adverse weather events, exacerbated drought and increased frequency of forest fires. Protection against the adverse effects of environmental pollution.


9. Sustainable Tourism for Heritage

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits: 4

Responsible partners: 
Goris State University (GSU), Armenia

Course overview / general description: GIS Application and methodology in Sustainable Tourism for Heritage. Priorities and policy of the state, local and regional authorities towards the protection of cultural heritage/both domestic and foreign practices. Commercialization/advertisement, posters, brochures, Mass Media in a Heritage in Tourism Context. Data collection, documentation, protection and creation of archives for the national heritage by using digital technology and innovative methodology, based on international best practices. Sustainable development of architectural heritage and its relation to Tourism. Integration of planning for tourism and heritage management. Global Climate changes and other environmental issues in the relation with Cultural Heritage.


10. Conservation of Modern and Industrial Heritage

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits: 2

Responsible partners: 
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE), Russia
University of Tehran (UT), Iran

Course overview / general description: Value of the industrial heritage. Reuse protection. Raising awareness concerning the heritage of architecture, town planning and landscape design of the modern epoch. Vulnerable heritage due to weak legal protection and low appreciation among the general public. Taking up the most frequent and/or demanding challenges of urban revitalization, this course highlights 'best examples' of as well as actual debates about the revitalization of different types of historic urban fabrics, among them: abandoned industrial sites in different locations; post-mining landscapes; modern housing settlements; densely built-up historic urban neighbourhoods.


11. Sustainability in Architectural Heritage

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits:5

Responsible partner: 
Samara State Technical University (SSTU, Samara Polytech), Russia

Course overview / general description: Maintenance strategies. Holistic approach to the delivery of heritage preservation. Balance of the need for environmental control with the desire for responsible use of energy and reduction in carbon emissions.


12. Understanding the Historical Urban Landscape

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits:5

Responsible partners: 
Samara State Technical University (SSTU, Samara Polytech), Russia
University of Tehran (UT), Iran
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece

Course overview / general description: Understand the installation of monuments, ensembles or sites, their contents and surroundings, in relation to other buildings, gardens, landscapes and natural / economic / symbolic resources. The Historical Urban Landscape as a blend of components and structures (types of territories, social perceptions and ever-changing natural, social and economic forces). Identify the emotional, cultural, environmental, economic and use significance of the Historical Urban Landscape. Find and absorb all available sources of information relevant to the monument, ensemble or site being studied. The participatory component of field research and policies of the Historical Urban Landscape. Landscape design principles and methods that take into account the need for protection and preservation of the heritage value of a particular landscape, especially for those areas most radically affected by change, such as peri-urban, industrial and coastal areas. Issues of implementation of the European Landscape Convention in the various states. The landscape policy integrated into the policy of protecting and enhancing both the historical heritage and the natural environment.


13. Historic Building Conservation

Updated course

Level of qualification: Bachelor

ECTS credits:6

Responsible partner: 
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Armenia

Course overview / general description: Restoration, conservation, adaptation for new functions, maintenance, design conservation and planning of new projects. Introduction to modern conservation criteria. General concepts. Preventive and invasive conservation. Methods for stopping the processes of destruction and reducing risks in use: creating a favourable environment, monitoring the temperature and humidity conditions, measures to protect against natural and man-made emergencies, protection against bio defeats, atmospheric pollution, wetting, and weathering. Protection against vandalism, reducing the damage risk. Creating a favourable socio-cultural environment. Strengthening structural elements. Survey of the cultural heritage site, determination of the degree of reasonable intervention. Justification and evaluation of decisions made. Application of conservation criteria in practice. Diagnostics, safety assessment and intervention planning. The choice of new functions, the ratio of forms and content. Engineering systems in architectural monuments. Case studies. Analysis of conservation and restoration of heritage sites in practical design.


14. Surveys for Heritage

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits:5

Responsible partner: 
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE), Russia

Course overview / general description: Data collection including traditional techniques, laser-scanning and photogrammetry.Compilation of all available sources of information relevant to the monument, ensemble or site being studied. Interdisciplinary comprehensive research of heritage sites using natural science methods, including non-destructive techniques. A general methodology for survey and analysis. Documentation of historical structures. Analysis and Presentation of Case studies.Technological studies (laboratory and in situ): load tests, radiocarbon analysis, dendrochronology, xylotomous analysis, microscopy, microbiological analysis, X-ray fluorescence analysis, isotope analysis, chemical analysis, thermal imaging. Diagnostics of the soils for foundations, bearing and enclosing structures; including stone, brick, wood, steel, reinforced concrete and other structures. Modal testing of historical structures. Structural assessment. Engineering and geodetic monitoring of historical structures; monitoring of structural deformations, monitoring of temperature and humidity conditions, monitoring of the environment, groundwater level; cyclic effects constant monitoring in remote access. Experimental studies of traditional construction technologies.


15. Digital Technology for Heritage

New course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits:5

Responsible partner: 
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA), Armenia

Course overview / general description: 

CAD / BIM for Heritage; SMART Heritage projects (Digital Heritage); Use of digital technologiesfor heritage projects:

- documentation, spatial databases using GIS-technologies;

- monitoring, modelling of processes and desired states of the heritage;

- modelling of processes of the impact of climate change on the state of architectural heritage.


16. Heritage Management

Updated course

Level of qualification: Master

ECTS credits:4

Responsible partners: 
Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov (NArFU), Russia
Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering (KSUAE), Russia
National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece

Course overview / general description: An international system for the protection of the cultural and built heritage. Conventions, charters, recommendations of UNESCO on the protection of cultural property, preservation of tangible and intangible heritage. Implementation of international standards through national legislation. Systems for Cultural Heritage Management. Regulation and control of various stakeholders (legal support and organization of protection). Planning of actions to preserve or change the quality parameters of a conservation site (development of concepts, strategies, projects, programs, plans, schemes) Implementation of management initiatives Community involvement Heritage Economics - economic and legal heritage conservation mechanisms Sustainable development and environmental protection.