The Project Objectives:


The SAH Project in the framework of the Capacity Building Erasmus+ programme aims at upgrading the academic disciplines of B.A. and M.A. curricular in the field of restoration and preservation of cultural heritage, and expanding modules in the field of sustainable development of the architectural heritage by applying new technical-innovative tools. Moreover, interdisciplinary approaches in Russian Federation, Armenia and Iran will meet the needs of sustainable development of a global market. New interdisciplinary models for Bachelor's and Master's programmes in terms of practice-oriented education will establish a new generation of architects and conservators with a good scientific basis.


Project specific objectives:


  1. Development and testing of new interdisciplinary training models for Bachelor and Master degree level curricula of architectural practical-oriented education for Architectural Heritage in line with best EU practices to increase awareness and responsiveness to environmental and economic changes. All courses / modules / programmes will cover the items outlined in the ICOMOS Guidelines for Education and training in the conservation of Monuments, Ensembles and Sites (1993).
  2. Creation of an interactive platform for education, science, practitioners and authorities in order to form modern professional competences of specialists, responding to the needs of a sustainable society in the sphere of Architectural Heritage.


The project period is from 15.01.2021-14.01.2024, and it contains five work packages of Preparation, Development, Quality assurance, Dissemination, Management; the activities designed for each work package were specified by work package leader thoroughly, and were submitted to the partners.


Source of funding: ERASMUS + Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education